We do this by making the preschool learning years fun, exciting, exploratory and full of laughter. We will provide the children with many opportunities to promote their self-esteem, social skills, cognitive thinking, and gross & fine motor skills. The children will do the rest with their amazing natural curiosity and enthusiasm.
Our vision also includes our parents, grandparents, and all the friends and relatives that are so important in the children’s lives. The fundamental areas of natural concern, such as safety, warmth, kindness, understanding teachers and beautiful surroundings are all part of the decision making process when choosing a preschool. We provide these essentials for every child within a balanced and developmentally appropriate program. Our primary focus is to provide a safe and nurturing environment for all the children. When you leave your child at Pond Lot PreSchool, you know that your child is getting the very best in care, safety, teaching and love. We look forward to meeting you and answering all of your questions.
Pond Lot PreSchool, Inc. - 795 Center Street, North Dighton, Massachusetts 02764 - 508.669.6071 - pondlot@comcast.net
Copyright © Pond Lot PreSchool, Inc. All rights reserved.